

This is a provider that allows you to use PlaceholderAPI placeholders as values in the Top Holder.


    # The type of the provider
    type: placeholder
    # The placeholder used to get the value
    placeholder: <placeholder>
    # Whether the placeholder should be parsed for online players only. Default is false (all players)
    online: <true/false>
    # Whether the placeholder should be parsed asynchronously. Default is false
    async: <true/false>
    # Whether to show errors when parsing the placeholder. Default is false
    show-errors: <true/false>


  # Holder that shows the amount of money a player has
  # Use the Vault expansion: /papi ecloud download Vault
    type: placeholder
    placeholder: "%vault_eco_balance%"
  # Holder that shows the number of diamonds a player has mined
  # Use the Statistic expansion: /papi ecloud download Statistic
    type: placeholder
    placeholder: "%statistic_mine_block:DIAMOND_ORE%"
    online: true # Only get the value for online players

Frequently Asked Questions

I set the placeholder but it is not showing the value in the Top Holder

  • Make sure that the placeholder you are using is valid and that the plugin that provides the placeholder is installed and working correctly.
  • Try running the command /papi parse me <placeholder> to see if the placeholder is working as expected.
  • Check if the placeholder is for online players only. If so, set the online option to true in the configuration.
  • Try setting the show-errors option to true to see if there are any errors when parsing the placeholder.
  • If the placeholder is still not working, ask for help in the plugin’s support channel or forum (remember to enable show-errors and provide the logs to them for better support).

My placeholder gives a formatted value (e.g., 1,000.00 instead of 1000). Can I use it in the provider?

No, the placeholder provider only supports numerical values (only numbers and decimal separator . (dot) ). You must use a placeholder that returns a raw number without formatting, if possible. If the plugin that provides the placeholder does not have an option to return a raw number, you can try using a different placeholder or ask the plugin developer to add support for raw numbers.