Value Display

Some places like {value} in line and the value and top_value queries can be expanded to format the value in a more readable way. This is done by specifying some settings for them like:

  • {value_<format>}
  • <holder>;value;<format>
  • <holder>;top_value;<position>;<format>

The following section will guide you through the available formats to replace <format>, we will use the <holder>;value;<format> query as an example.

Available Formats

Decimal Format

Format: decimal:setting1=value1&setting2=value2

decimalSeparatorThe character used to separate the integer part from the fractional part.decimalSeparator=.
groupingSeparatorThe character used to separate groups of digits to the left of the decimal separatorgroupingSeparator=,
groupingSizeThe number of digits in each group to the left of the decimal separatorgroupingSize=3
maximumFractionDigitsThe maximum number of digits allowed in the fractional part of the numbermaximumFractionDigits=2

Example: jump;value;decimal:decimalSeparator=,&groupingSeparator=.&groupingSize=3&maximumFractionDigits=2

Time Format

Format: time:setting1=value1&setting2=value2

patternThe pattern describing the date and time formatHH:mm:sspattern=HH:mm:ss
typeThe type of the time: duration or timedurationtype=duration
unitThe unit of the time: ticks, nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, dayssecondsunit=seconds

Example: playtime;value;time:pattern=HH:mm:ss&type=duration&unit=ticks